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Bitcoin Embassy in Amsterdam will open on December 12th.

The Bitcoin Embassy in Amsterdam will open its doors to the public on December 12th. If you are planning on attending this grand opening, or are simply interested in finding out more information about the project, make sure to check out their website. ( A Bitcoin Embassy is an educational center where you can ask…

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Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam Slated to Open in December

Yet another Bitcoin Embassy is expected to open its doors with the mission of promoting the bitcoin digital currency as it continues to gain traction around the world. Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam, as it’s know, is gearing up for a December 12th opening in, well, Amsterdam. That’s according to Dutch bitcoin blog Coincourant, who notes that…

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Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam opent 12 december

Na Montreal, Warschau, Tel Aviv, Parijs en Kiev zal ook Amsterdam binnenkort haar eigen Bitcoin Embassy mogen verwelkomen. De speciale “ambassade” wordt gevestigd naast het Hofje van Wijs aan de Zeedijk 43, en zal haar deuren openen op 12 december. De Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam is een non-profit initiatief dat er naar zal streven een laagdrempelig…

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