Four years ago we started the Bitcoin Embassy adventure with the sole purpose of spreading knowledge and educating the public on Bitcoin and blockchain technologies. Immediately from the beginning, we were faced with a fake embassy site at (bitcoinembassyamsterdam.nl) that was soliciting funds using the name of our non-profit organisation from unsuspecting persons. This set a bit of a bad-vibe and wasted a lot of energy battling these impostors but we managed to hold countless meetups, conferences and educational courses nevertheless. A second point was that a solid business model was lacking and only very few membership contributions were ever made, combined with an impostor site made it very difficult to operate break-even.
Running the Embassy has been exciting for the past four years but it is time to move on and professionalize the blockchain scene in the Netherlands. We want to thank all of our Embassy members for your continued support over the past years and met many very interesting people, made new friends for life and hope to stay in touch! We’ll be back!
Martijn Wismeijer (co-founder) Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam
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